Green - Order/Quote 1- customer starts a online order customerRemoteSignIn, simpleCustomerSearch 2 - they get a cart getWebGeneralInventory, getAllPartsCategories 3 - line items for the cart session cart stuff 4 - end up with a quote/order addQuote, loop over addQuoteLineItem, getFullQuoteDetails - as a note... quotes/orders don't effect inventory Orange - Filling the order 1 - An internal user (could be dispatch, backend, or a driver) 2 - Grab the quote getFullQuoteDetails 3 - Restore to cart session cart stuff 4 - Fix/alter any line items session cart stuff 5 - make an invoice with no payments (on account) startMainInvoice, loop over addInvoiceLineItems, addInvoicePayment ($0 on account) Purple - Diver/Delivery 1 - A user (driver/user) 2 - Gets the event (time/GPS/invoice/spreadsheet) 3 - Do route 4 - Interact with customer 5 - Get payment and apply to the existing invoice addInvoicePayment Rest API