9/11/19 - GoToMeeting Molly and Spencer are looking for a last_date_modified date/time stamp for inventory - Molly is sponsoring this project as part of the woo commerce and WordPress integration project (woo adilas) - she wants to be in the loop but said that she would be able to fund it need now: parent items - add/edit sub items - add/edit - looking for a date/time stamp and wanted to be able to search based on both the date value and the time value - alter query from Spencer: (as a special note, there is a on update command that helps it do it automatically) /* 4:06:04 PM AWS_EVO evo_webapplication */ ALTER TABLE `ccbd_revenue` ADD `DateLastEdited` TIMESTAMP NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP ON UPDATE CURRENT_TIMESTAMP ; - link from Spencer: (database docs) https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.5/en/timestamp-initialization.html - we are looking at adding this as another argument in the api (new filter for inventoy searches) - on both parent items and sub items (both) - documentation and samples - small talk about timezones and date/time stamps - Spencer will email us with what API sockets he is calling and wanting the new mod date/time stamp (filter and values) - Brandon thought that this would take between 5-10 hours. future need: sub attributes - add/edit parent attributes - add/edit, assign ** known tricky section *** - quantity will be chaning all the time - in-store sales - po side - invoice side - ecommerce side - internal builds - from Molly - link to a site - cannabiswebsitedemo.com (testing area for woo adilas and WordPress interfaces) - Molly is looking to link a bunch of these pieces together, including 3rd party solutions - She is really excited to work with the user friendly WordPress features for site builder /////////////////////////////////////////////// - steps (10,000 foot overview) 1. do a new database update for main parts and time_sub_inventory_[53] (multi) 2. look for any code that does an insert into parts >> search for "INSERT INTO parts (" (without the quotes) - use the adjustedDateTime value or the function Now() if unknown 3. look for any code that does an insert into the time sub inventory table >> search for "INSERT INTO #tempSubTableName# (" (without quotes) - use the adjustedDateTime value or the function Now() if unknown - go backwards and make sure that the adjusted date/time gets passed in. Search for "addEditSubInventory" - there will be a bunch of stuff out in the custom folder (from Steve and Dustin) 4. look for any code that does an update to parts >> search for "UPDATE parts" - use the adjustedDateTime value or the function Now() if unknown 5. on the update for sub inventory, it may be another part of the "addEditSubInventory" method 6. we add the filters to the API sockets (defaults, valid date/time stamp, greaterthan or lessthan) - there may be two new arguments 7. documentation and samples for the api 8. code sign-off