8/12/19 - we logged into data 2 and looked at some database records for a client. the goal was to see if we could tell what and how they were getting their discounts. a 3rd party vendor is trying to pull their items and show a sales price but they were getting disconnects. Bryan Dayton and Brandon Moore - working on ways that companies use discounts and how they discount things... ///////////////////////////////////////////////// possible options to look into - discounts table - these are new, automatic, and stackable - pretty deep, see add to cart for logic - customer types - check to see if any discounts have been assigned per customer type - customers - individual customers may have discount rates set - parts - allow or don't allow discounts - tax cats (normal taxable or with tax included) - subs - web price settings - normal - cost - cost plus % - fixed web price parent attributes ?? - ask steve - we saw some tiered pricing options such as bronze, gold, silver, platium (spelling) sub attributes ?? - ask steve - some of the subs were tied into the parent attributes smart group buttons - tiered pricing manual discounts - line by line - in the cart - check the use in line discount field and the discount campaign fields - bulk - in the cart - special line item (standalone discounts) - use part number "Discount" corporation settings - these are presets that may be used by the salesperson custom cart stuff - custom logic custom menu boards - data from adilas, API sockets, or standalone spreadsheet? black boxes and custom code and logic ///////////////////////////////// scratch SQL SELECT COUNT(*) AS discount_count, use_in_line_discount FROM po_invoice_lines_663 WHERE corp_id = 663 AND use_in_line_discount > 0 AND invoice_switch = 1 AND line_status = 1 GROUP BY use_in_line_discount ORDER BY use_in_line_discount