notes on the cannabis_cultivation_home.cfm top row of buttons - interactions with different homepages and metrc look-ups plant or package RFID search - simple search. quick links three tabs only buttons and links main tab section // they would love to stay on one page and use AJAX type interactions strains - different part numbers or main parent items - only ones that have a quantity - we get some totals - tons of cards - each item has quantity totals, phase counts, move counts, remove, harvest, print, etc. - show some basic info... and then use user clicks to generate on click events - break the page into much smaller helper pages - harness the user's clicks (let them navigate and pull the data) - design the interface according to their needs locations phases harvests invetory customer/patients // some of these basic concepts are on a reoccurring theme - acculumtive transactional details // transactional data vs aggerate data // we need to speed up a number of places