- my cart favorite buttons (custom - bid) - match funds - 3 new fields... one for percentage off, dollars off, and campaign - send graphic to alan - we went over some ideas and details and I sent him some emails - industrial tool stuff - alan built the inventory counter (december/jan of last year) - button on the parts homepage or po homepage or the update inventory count page - we need to look up and see if the button has been pushed live - barcode search (we may need to update for sub barcodes) - we may need to tie-in the normal update inventory counter filters to sub barcodes - qty, notes, etc. - once submitted, we could look at all items in the inventory counter queue - it gathers info and then helps do inventory updates in bulk based on pre-saved data and info. - stored as a JSON object - behind the scenes, there are some limits on counts and what is stored together - two new database tables - make sure and run updates on servers [version 9 - update 20180115] - Added new inventory counter table. 1/23/18 - it was merged in custom folder - 3 files all start with custom/inventory_counter* start with inventory_counter_scan.cfm database_updates/update_20180115.cfm database_updates/update_home.cfm top_secret/cfc/maintenance_14.cfc top_secret/cfc/reports_8.cfc top_secret/cfc/search_15.cfc top_secret/custom/inventory_counter_qty.cfm top_secret/custom/inventory_counter_review.cfm top_secret/custom/inventory_counter_scan.cfm top_secret/custom/jsonBuilder.cfm top_secret/custom/update_inventory_counter_action.cfm top_secret/custom/update_inventory_counter_json_action.cfm - review stuff from russell (folder under extras/industrial_tool) - reoccurring invoices - we are somewhat sitting on this for now - we could update a bunch of the manual things (some kind of load and parse or scrape from spreadsheet, web, or email) - we might need to do some research on USAePay and their API docs of what is allowed and what is not - we decided to leave this alone for now - the higher level of automation will cost them