Wayne, Hello from Utah. Cross corp means that one corporation buys or sells or passes to another corporation inside of adilas. This could be a supplier sending things to a distributor, it could be a mother/daughter type relationship, it could be a parent company lending money to a sub company, or whatever. We require the two corporation to allow the transaction. You should not be able to just do it without permission. Because id number are different, often it might be based on text versions of the same thing… For example the name of a bank, the vendor name, the part number, etc. All of those have real id’s but could possibly be compared via the human readable form (text version). Once the items are looked up, we use real id’s to relate the items. In the database, we sometime will use things like app types (see the app_types table), table names, corp id’s, main id’s, and even sub id’s. Think of the combos you could come up with you used these fields. See below. Sending Corporation values: Corp id 1 – where did it come from? App type id 1 – what is the main 12 player type id or app type id? These are things like customer, invoice, deposit, PO, expense/receipt, part number, etc. Table name 1 – what database table does it come from? Main id 1 – what is the primary id or main id for the item in question? Say invoice 1111 or customer 55555 or PO 22222. Your get the idea. Sub id 1 – what is the sub id or secondary id for the item in question? If unknown, use a 0. This could be a line item or any other sub value as needed. Receiving Corporation values: Corp id 2 – who is getting it? App type id 2 – what is the new thing? It may be different than what was being sent. For example: One person’s invoice may be another person’s PO. The app type may switch. Table name 2 – where is the new item being stored? Main id 2 – what is the new main id number in the new system? Sub id 2 – is there a sub id? If not, use a 0. Anyways, that is the ideal. Using just a few values on either side, we could virtually allow traffic to go between entities. It saves times and helps move the data and information around. Not perfect, but it has tons of potential. Good stuff. I hope that helps for a primer course. Thanks and enjoy. Brandon Moore 435.258.5504 (home/office) 435.881.1536 (cell) brandon@adilas.biz :: www.adilas.biz “all data is live and searchable” From: Wayne Andersen Sent: Wednesday, May 02, 2018 1:43 PM To: Brandon Moore - adilas.biz Subject: Cross corp Can you take a minute and explain cross corp transactions to me, how they work? Cory has a customer that was using them and created a duplicate vendor that I am going to help clean-up but I need a quick primer on just what that means. Thank you Wayne