meeting with steve, brandon, and eric - dealing with a sub queue. 3/21/17 - all kinds of different names for the queues and sub queues - customer queue, delivery queue, pick-up queue, project queue, etc. - generally call it a sub queue /// this is the sub queue table. sub_queues table sub_queue_id - auto key int(10) corp_id int(10) 1 sub_queue_name varchar(150) NULL sub_queue_initials varchar(15) NULL sub_queue_show_on_web tinyint(1) 1 sub_queue_web_name varchar(150) NULL sub_queue_color varchar(25) NULL sub_queue_sort int(10) 100 sub_queue_status tinyint(1) 1 /// claim id number 1 as a dummy record and/or default - we called it "main" /// we need a new column (field) on the main customer queue table. as a note, this is corp-specific. customer_queue_[53] sub_queue_id int(10) 1 (add an index as well) /// we may need some other settings, such as... - what is the payee specific default for the sub queue. the default would be the main queue. /// changes to the payee_personal_settings table. use_sub_queue_id int(10) 0 - 0=all /// add to the corporations table - on ecommerce, do we add to the queue or just make the plain quote and/or invoice. use_customer_queue_for_ecommerce tinyint(1) 0 general_web_queue_name varchar(150) NULL /// to do list... 1. we need to script the new tables and updates 2. when adding to the queue, look for additional subs. if no, set sub_queue_id to 1 and go forward. if yes, show a list of possible sub queues and require input (drop-down and then resubmit). 3. Once in the queue, show the current queue based off of the last sub queue selected. We may need to hold this in session. 3.1. session.useSubQueueId - set to 0 or get from payee personal settings. 3.2. we need to show a drop-down on the queue page to allow switching. have an option to go back to all as well (say id of 0). hold in session as selected. 4. we need to be able to edit the sub queue - there is already a edit page. 5. in the advanced search, we need to show the sub queue and be able to search by the sub queue. add the new report filters and display 6. make sure and add new script (1 liner to add column and 1 liner to index) to the place where the new corp-specific table is created. top_secret/cfc/maintenance.cfc 7. we may need to visit some other pages that have mini queue options. Maybe add drop-down options to switch the queue. Steve's MMJ homepages and other pages with queue options. search and add code to these pages... (expand and list pages) 8. we may also need a page that shows the different queues and who is in what - kind of an overview... 9. we also need a new set of pages to be able to add/edit the sub queue options. 10. add the payee personal setting so that they could set their favorite sub queue option. hold this value in the session scope. 11. we need to cascade the ecommerce settings. This goes on the admin corp-wide settings page and out to the checkout process inside of ecommerce. we may also want to add these same queue settings to the normal corp-wide settings in the queue section. 12. Make sure and update all existing black box pages. check for top_secret/secure/black_box/customer_queue_[53].cfm on all servers. 13. update the help files. ///////// new features after the original release - meeting on monday 5/1/17. - new branch BWM-24 1. Be able to reassign a customer and/or a sub queue to a different queue. 1.1. Add an edit link to the mmj homepage to be able to edit things. 1.2. Add a redirect option to help with page flow. For example: if you came from the customer queue page, you go back there. If you came from the mmj homepage, you go back there. 2. On the MMJ homepage, when you look at all queues, they want the queues to be grouped and then sorted from there. Maybe look at idea # 8 above. There is also a bunch of ideas down below for different pages and different layouts. 2.1. globally change all queue sort stuff. The sort needs to include the sub queue sort field, the sub queue name, and then the ordinal number (daily number) and other normal sort stuff. 2.2. On the advanced search, allow for a couple different sort options. Add a new drop-down sort option. 3. Show the sub queue data for the transactions. This is the bottom part of the page on the MMJ homepage for live online and ecommerce orders. Just join the queries and go from there. 3.1. We may need to follow an ecommerce order all the way through. It get created, we restore the quote to the cart, we then get it fully cleaned up. 4. update and cascade all sub queue help files. //////// end new feature requests from 5/1/17. /// future ideas... - what about fulfillment stuff? - what about pick-up? - what about GPS? Delivery? Google maps? Tracking things clear out to elements of time - what about online orders and ecommerce settings for dealing with the queue. this is huge and will need some light lovin - good stuff. - what about sub processes and being able to flip sub queues and different status values? - what about a custom field for special flags and/or tags. this is for a developer to have a spot to put things to help with queries and such. - what about different views... how do we allow the sorting of the page... put x sub queue at the top, put y sub queue at the bottom. separate, color code, and show as needed. - we already have some black box options... what about making things more standard and using settings to turn things on/off. - what other settings do we need to look at: - what queue to show - show all until they pick and choose. - display order - what is the default sub queue - session and personal settings - what is the customer facing sub queue name: for example: Choose Delivery Method: >>> - what other ecommerce type settings are needed. - what if only one show on the web... that could be the default - we already have some corp-wide settings for the queue... what about adding the web facing option for the subs and whether or not to use the queue through online quotes and invoices. basically, turn it over to them to name it and set it up. /// steve has already done tons of this stuff... make sure and ask him for some ideas.