///// this is some ideas on catching some of the data and virtual footprint size stuff... ///// - head towards full world building stuff add new fields... customer_id master_invoice_number current_monthly other key indicators and stats... (we had the thought that this might be nice for historic data and sums/totals) invoice count media/content count and size photos count and size expense/receipts payee/users vendors item count client counts time counts po counts quote counts stock count time cards flex grid counts ///// look at the current corp stats - tons of options ////// ------------------------------------------------------------- ideas from Steve... - Steve wants to help take care of the adilas family - Take care of our people first - We need people who can pull their own weight - what is our model? - what size do we want to be? - People who are on the sides need to pay and be part of what we are doing - what is the level of entry? - control vs. managing - branding and using the adilas name - at what point are we ok? - what are the rules? - how do we keep peace amongst the people? - it is not our business... it is "all" of our business... - we have an independent model - open things up to the market - adilas world - adilas market - there is room for tons of outside parties - abundant model - we need all 3rd parties to declare and claim that they are independent - we need them to be setup on the system - they still need to pay to be part of the puzzle - monthly - we need two-way commissions between parties - push things towards the open market - we need a tech support staff - we need developers - we need an admin staff - payables, receivables, commissions, bank stuff, etc. - we have a somewhat dependent model - clients to reps - clients to dev people - clients to tech support - we have seen that some of the people who start don't make it... almost a self cleaning process - we don't have the money to fight this - we need them to play with us - we have to have a setup fee - we may need to draw a line in the sand on different things - set our own boundries... :) - steve and I need to say "no" where needed