1/4/22 server meeting with wayne, john, cory, and i Server tasks: 1. sales tax aggregate code - wayne has done some automated test to help him out - new corps and possibly leaving them behind - questions - number of steps and people to setup a new corp - use database table - add a record if needed - mysql looks for a record - from wayne - there is a manual part to this... we need to keep it that way for now - wayne showed us a two step manual process that would be required - cory had some scenarios to run past wayne - we need the non sql code to be completely independent of the triggers and stored proceedures. - we may also need some clean-up and repopulate code to help on a per corp basis. 2. domain names - circle back later 3. SQL backups for adilas corps - this week 4. big settings table... leverage alan's corp object - lots of sub pages that need to be updated and mapped through the corp object - using session values - maybe expand this to places where we weren't doing session - it would be a lot easier if we had a standard set in session - maybe use elements of time (5-10) settings for a practice run