Jonathan Wells did a number of Adobe XD mock-ups for us from 2019 - 2020 Below is a list of XD files and what they contain: Pushed them up to the adilas content server on 8/23/21 - A couple of screenshots with the login process - pretty small - Navigation research on the customers section of the site. Goes pretty deep. - A list of the 12 main players and their general navigation options - Some verbage and text of what adilas is wanting, from different angles (interesting). General overview of this whole project. - List of menu options from the classic homepage - Some early mock-up's for the adilas cafe - There are some click through options - desktop preview - A list of the 12 main players and their general navigation options - Some verbage and text of what adilas is wanting, from different angles (interesting). General overview of this whole project. - Mock-up's for the adilas cafe - both white mode and dark mode - There are some click through options - desktop preview - Lots of concepts (listed all over) - like virtual data assembly line, 3D axis (x=time, y=resources, and z=efficiency (customization)), main players, mapping, digital story telling, roll call accountin, flow of adding a new user and their permissions. - Light research on menu options from the classic homepage - List of menu options from the classic homepage - A couple of screenshots with the login process - Light research on main players - Lots of new layouts and mock-up's - main landing home pages and options - Ideas of an eductaion mode - turn on/off to get more help as needed - Invoice research - Different ways of doing advanced searches (tabs vs big long lists) - Ways to show/hide certain fields on the output or reports - Research and mock-up's for a new shopping cart - Converging projects with the cart at the center - smart cart logic, sales and promotions, custom labels, e-Commerce, sub inventory and mini conversions, discount engine, tiered pricing, and loyalty points - Advanced add to cart research - price and profit haggle tool - Categories and sub categories - There are some click through options - desktop preview - Research on main homepages and multiple layouts - Multiple mock-up's with different navigation options (tiles, tabs, buttons, lists, map, core) - Sample screens of how to customize icons, cards, drop-downs, etc. - everything is customizable - Research on all kinds of layouts - Create your own custom homepage - tiles, cards, lists, split screen, buttons, etc. - Possible reports layout - per category with a dynamic list of options - Playing with colors, layouts, and background images. - Tons of sub menus somewhat laid out as lists - Info on the style guide for the app - fonts, colors, icons, spacing, layout tech specs - Concepts for simple training - Research on classic homepage navigation - Sample flow and layout for customer drill-downs, homepages, searches, and result pages - As a side note, this one has lots of interactions (clickable) if you preview it (desktop preview). Somewhat of an interactive mock-up. You can click all kinds of sub nav, more options, settings, samples, and virtual setups. Lots of interactions. Pretty cool! - Links, navigation, color coded per main player group - Tons of research on links and paths - what link or button goes where? - Lists of primary and sub navigation - Lots of research and somewhat of an overview of sorts - Some core concepts and light research - Lots of navigation mapping *** working below here *** - Possible way of showing permissions and group settings - Sample mock-up's for categories and setttings and sub settings - There are some click through options - desktop preview