Meeting with Euflora on 5/4/21 - Questions on custom dashboards - reports by salesperson - integration between Flyhi and Adilas - employee owned product for delivery and display - importing from Google Spreadsheets - they are trying to match specific data between corps - they are building all kind of work arounds - very creative - using spreadsheet type tools to help manage things - more needs for bulk updates and bulk upload tools - some of these companies are making 10-20+ custom attributes to both flag and tag and categorize that data. - looking over certain reports and such - what about games? custom reports and fun - on delivery - what about manifests? soo many steps, even state by state - they would really like to use the api socket endpoints - on the manifests, B2B (business to business) or B2C (business to customer) - building PDF's on the fly - how can we automate this - customer portal via API sockets - questions between adilas, flyhi, and metrc - trying to cross all of the t's and dot the i's - lots of ins and outs - it may be good to talk with Alan Williams (adilas dev) who did our delivery stuff for Metrc - GPS tracks and tying things out from invoices, subs of time, and GPS pieces - you could also do an invoice and then add a JSON object to hold all of the routes and delivery stuff - maybe doing some just in time capture and storage - build on the fly - smoke and mirrors - signatures/manifests/routes/etc. - There may need to be some custom labels and labeling needs - adilas just launched a web version of the online label builder app - still in beta mode - more and more taxes and fees - crazy special line items and hidden things on a per invoice basis - red tape - there is a cost to support the cannabis industry - part of the burn rate, part of the game - eventually, someone has to pay for these services - digital, delivery, compliance, etc. - eventually, you will need a pretty big and robust platform and application - you will need a pretty big system