weekly server meeting 4/20/21 - talking about the main adilas website - questions for Wayne - corp-wide settings - still a couple of weeks out - keep building as if the old system is still in place - FTP questions - content server - wayne can't get it to fail - he is not going through the hostek firewall - maybe try it through the vpn - data35 - data36 - get with wayne on these - there may be a firewall issue - other projects - helping shari o. become the admin at hostek - we need to add cory as a user on hostek - domain names and sub domains - main website assignments - wayne - URL, folder, and server - this is how you point URL's, sub domains, and main domain names - ideally, we want any sub domain and then ending in adilas.biz - we already call it data 0, maybe just call it what it is - he has found the tech docs to do a .cfm reroute from the WordPress site - Lucee (open source ColdFusion) may not be an option - we have already changed a number of URL's - it may cause a problem for a day or so, but they will figure it out - option of using php on the WordPress site - using php to connect to the data 0 database - limited to just the master corp list - on the php to the data 0 database - new user and only to the master corp list table - read only and very limited - from wayne - https://wordpress.org/plugins/wp-multi-network/ - brandon - old sites and do the developer notebook stuff - john - pointer type site to the new one - chuck - just wants to make it work - question on redirects - could we pick and choose certain URL's or can we do a blanket type option - one of the main things we want to control is the login link - we will make a new login page that will be hosted on the WordPress site - it will connect via php to a limited user on the data 0 box - wayne may build the page and chuck will skin it. - he will do some research on the multi site stuff for WordPress - marisa - news and updates - communications and light marketing - goal - May 1st for a launch - https://gateway.adilas.biz - points to php site - news and updates and bulk email - john - question on email servers - the WordPress site allows for some and also we have a mail.adilas.biz (on newtek) - future question about the mail server... we are trying to get away from newtek eventually - we'll deal with this in the future - steve - what about adilas cafe and single sign-on //////////////// - normal server stuff - null null error - not sure that is a memory error - null pointer errors - sometimes you can turn off the error handling (on error actions) to see the raw error and that helps. we could also change from Application.cfm to Application.cfc - for better error reporting - maybe just comment out the errors as a way of testing things (temp)