Meeting with Dustin on 3/23/21 Steve (by phone), Cory, Brandon, Dustin, Sean (travelling), John joined at the end A. Where are you at? - He has 3 projects that he is working on - He is not able to focus on all of the projects that keep coming. That is taking away from his focus on what he is trying to do. - Ideally, helping him to focus would be very helpful. - Harvest packaging - a little too tight and step-by-step - He wants to make it more flexible - A do it all from one page... lots of functions from the one page - Choose your own adventure (aka harvest task) in any combination or order - You can build the form on the fly, all the mapping is done behind the scenes - Build in validation - Lots of metrc tie-ins - All kinds of dynamic adjustments - sub attributes and sub weights - Allowing for harvesting with variables, testing, and other processes - Lots of input from Kelly - Progress report and still hanging items - Need more loops, validation, and tying into Metrc - Still missing some of the adilas database table updates - needs some handholding - Sell the rest of it (the finishing of the project) - pitch the vision to get it finished - Maybe talk with Kelly about getting funding for this project - we may need to nail down timelines and costs - hard to nail those things down - all of this is R&D - Pitching it as 7/10ths done (70%) - Dustin would really like to focus here - this is the closest to being done - let's help him out there - Bulk Adjustments Homepage - Filter by batch, filter by date range, filter by PO number range - Minimal amount of data to show, but processes done in bulk - Hasn't worked on this since last summer (a long time ago) - Sean - be able to filter by batch number and not show all of the details - We may be duplicating efforts - different developers working on similar projects - It would take quite a bit of work to get this up to a production level - Possible cross-overs and sharing code - Adding in Snow Owl data tables - able to sub search and export - Possible option to show/hide details (quick groups and counts vs full details) - Cory - What about filter by batch and filter by location - same page - Laying out page structure for required pieces vs data being loaded - Steve - do a deep dive and maybe even some psudeo code - Completing things and getting small victories - Maybe shrink down the scope to get things done and finished - Steve - pitching an MVP (minimal viable product) type model - If tied to Metrc - tie the API sockets out to Metrc in the background - a queue or list of what needs to be done - Showing a possible progress report on where things are at with the API sockets - Sean put in a vote for this - through chat - even for non Metrc states and clients - Accountability Homepage - Critical data storage - Deadlines - Template forms and auto fill what you can - Getting into push technology (alerts, messages, etc.) - Helping them keep and stay on top of compliance - Scheduled tasks - Testing, entities, licenses, locations, owners, employees, quick links - Testing verification, batch/package status, potency tets, comtaminant tests - Quick, prebuild templates - for example: submit a new test - Using simple settings to handle some of the defaults and mappings - Deeper ERP type scheduling, alerts, and helping with logistics - HR functionality - raises, reviews, licenses, other HR stuff - Documents and media/content uploads - Major manager for compliance issues - accountability - Getting outside funding - Fun side note - Dustin has done such a good job, he is almost pitching a dream by building one or more prototypes - super cool - help pitch the ideas through a prototype - Dustin could use some help on getting these pieces done - dividing and conquering - Other Compliance Bulletins - Null values and more location specific changes - Maybe knock this out before it gets too tight on the deadline - Aggregated Tables for Cultivation - Phases, dates, quantities, weights, totals, sums, etc. - Future project - Master tables - Automation of Phases - Some of the clients like to see the phases at a plant level - They got setup back in the day, and they still want keep some of those older pieces going forward - Maybe expanding out the normal settings (optional settings) and then mapping to certain ids and such - We didn't talk about this... but we could pull existing data into other pages and places. The data already exists, we just need to distribute that data to other places. - Metrc Maintenance - it's own project, in and of itself - New state tests - Delivery - Constant updates, changes, triage (spelling), bulletins, and other maintenance - Wouldn't it be cool if we could charge Metrc for the amount of maintenance that they require? Dustin said that he spends 75% of his time on Metrc maintenance. B. What else is needed? C. Looking into the future? - Dealing with funded projects - we are trying to switch directions, where possible. - We got in trouble with server issues, flash to HTML conversion, adilas label builders, new shopping cart, and other internally funded projects - we just get stretched out a bit - Adding value to adilas by getting some of these projects done and completed - Code and branch management - one of his big branches is getting so old, the merge process will be harder - Thanks to John for some training on Git and Bit Bucket - Small talk on hours - be your own style - we'll take it - Gather the information (1st step) - then make a plan (Cory) - then do it!